Concept Poster and Rationale
I started off this project with picking out my materials before thinking of my product, rather than the other way round.
After having chosen plastic film reels and car tail lights from reverse garbage, the idea of a hand or foot powered fan came to mind. However, this idea was quickly dropped due to the complexity of gears involved.
I then experimented with various configurations and decided that the main elements i would extract from my chosen materials would be the circular form of my film reels and the bright orange quality of the tail lights.
With these elements, i came to the conclusion that they could be combined to create something that could cast shadows as well as have light shine through it.
A screen or room divider seemed like an appropriate choice as it could exhibit the properties that my chosen materials had to offer.
Unfortunately, due to a lack of materials, i had to cut the film reels in half, resulting in quite an unstable base and also i did not manage to get quite as much effect out of the tail lights as i liked to. I also would have liked it if the divisions of my product were taller and of equal heights.
The reels are held together by nuts and bolts, with the sections of tail lights attached by epoxy, and each portion is hinged onto another.

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